When I'm at markets talking to people about my art I often credit the diversity to ADHD and Insomnia. While that's true, it's not the whole answer.. I definitely love learning new things! I love challenges! I hope this never changes!
Sometimes people ask if there's anything I can't do. My answer is: There are things I've never tried; There are things I've tried but didn't enjoy; There are things I'm very happy to let other people do! I should also mention here that I've been playing around with AI for awhile now and these pictures are brought to you by my imagination and AI working together!
Things I've Never Tried:
While, technically, I took a macrame class in the 70's, I don't count it because it was with fiber that felt like razor blades and that part was miserable. I've already bought some online classes and I'm committing to doing them and learning this year!
Things I Don't Enjoy:
There are things like calligraphy, watercolor, and other things, that I do enjoy, but not enough to mass produce anything with them. I do them in fits and starts, and someday I might get inspired to do something more, but not today. When I say I only make things that I enjoy making, I mean that completely!
Things I'm Very Happy To Let Other People Do:
Resin. I love a good piece of art using resin! I just need it to be made by someone other than me. It's so sticky. It also requires a precise mix of chemicals and "Precise" isn't a thing I naturally do. When you're not precise .... let's just say that what happens when you're not makes it not something I'm excited to keep doing. And those who love it make such amazing things! Buy their stuff!
I did learn about the type of resin that is pre-mixed. I did buy some. I still plan to maybe use it to try some things ...I'm nervous, though.
What I Did Today:
Over the last year I got my certifications in Adobe Graphic Design. I enjoy doing it, and the challenge of dong new things with it. Yesterday I started working on an invitation to my daughter's baby shower. Photos, hyperlinks, being able to be shared across platforms. I thought I needed to do it one way, but I found some people online explaining how to do it another way. That didn't work, so it turned out I was right the first time. But something else wasn't quite lining up how I thought it should. Hours later, lots of searches, lots of trial and error, and it's done! Now I hope she likes it. If it does need changes, though, I can do it!
I'm grateful for all of the encouragement I've gotten over the years. The people who have purchased my early attempts. The friends who shared techniques and gave feedback. So many amazing people have supported me on my way here. I am grateful for all of you every single day.
I try to pay it forward. I really enjoy teaching people how to do the arts I enjoy doing. I love crafting with other people as we all make our creations. And I love helping people who are just starting out and are trying to figure out their next step. I think that's one of the things I really enjoy about Instagram - it's like the chance to do all of it at once!