I'm so excited to be forging my own trail through becoming a full time artist - I admit, though, the timing would not be what I would have chosen. I refuse to get bogged down on that, but let's all acknowledge that the Market scene in Phoenix in the summer is not exactly the ideal setting. It's why I'm genuinely grateful for Roosevelt Row in downtown Phoenix.

If you're familiar with First Friday, you're familiar with the group that, about a year ago (???) started going year round Friday and Saturday night. While First Friday is HUGE! So many vendors, and so many people Fiday'ing , the ARTS Walk every weekend is mellow, smaller, and a great wa to spend some time. Especially if the crowd of First Friday leaves you feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

Those of you who know me are probably having a hard time believing that I'm out in the heat this time of year for more than walking from the car with air conditioning into a business or home with air conditioning, and I don't blame you. Last night was BAD - but this coming weekend I will have my cooling cloths, even more water, and ice. Plus, there's delicious Ice's (I really love the mango) that help with cooling off.
It helps that we are open from 7pm - Midnight. It gets dark closer to 8pm and when the direct sunlight goes away it's not nearly as bad.
It's also a great training ground for "working out the kinks." Every time I'm there I learn something new. I'm trying out new display ideas, presenting things in different ways, and adjusting prices on some of the new things I've been making.

I'm used to making a personal connection as a bit part of selling. That isn't possible on the nights where there's a loud speaker or a live band blaring music behind me - the reality is, even if you are really experienced doing sales in one context, it doesn't mean you won't have a steep learning curve to get used to selling to a totally different customer in a totally different context.
So I'm figuring it out - before First Friday in August. Yes - you heard that right - moron that later! And before October when the Valley's Market Scene springs back to life. I'm really glad I get to figure this all out in time to be ready. This is why I don't fight against things that are happening when they are really strange, and make no sense. When that happens, it's a shift I need to just roll with and I've seen over and over and over that my reaction only changes my peace as I go through it. It's gonna happen, and I'll eventually get on board.
So this weekend I'm out there Friday AND Saturday! I would love if you would come say hi - check out the wares. And if you are interested in anything shown in the photos on this post, let me know. I don't have them listed in my online shop yet, as I've just added them at the market. But the prices are listed on the photos if you click on them.

I'm loving my life - even with the challenges of this transition and the reality of everything is means. I'm loving the work/life balance. I'm loving seeing my family more. I'm loving spending more time with my husband. I'm loving that I get to do things and go places with friends. I lost myself a bit over the last two years because so much was just on me. I loved what I did, who I got to do it with, and everyone I got to see while I did it. But I don't miss the imbalance that came with it.
Change can be great - even when it's unexpected, and hard.