So here's where to find me this weekend!
And when I say I've got specials I mean I have specials. This year I have spoken to so many people who are, despite how great our economy is doing overall, really struggling. Here in the Valley the cost of living is outrageous, our grocery budget runs out before the month does, and suddenly we're thrust into a holiday season with the expectation of exchanging gifts!
Yes - you can opt for alternative ideas - and, believe me, I get it. There are actually wonderful non-consumer gifts inluding, but not limited to, spending time together doing something you love, even if it's just hanging out together. And by all means, do that! I just don't want that to be your only option.
How can I offer my art for discounts? One way is because when you buy it in person I don't have to pay for shipping. That's just a practical reason. Another reason is that a core committment I have is to making sure that beautiful things are avaialble to everyone at affordable prices. Add in that I've got mad skills when it comes to pricing my supplies. I won't be giving everything away! (Though there will be a selection of small things that are free with each purchase!)
More than that ... it's going to be a fun weekend! If you've never been to First Friday on Roosevelt Row you might not know that there are hundreds of vendors, food trucks, live music - it's a blast! And, honestly, the weekend market on Roosevelt Row is one of my favorite places to be. The vendors I'm there with every weekend are an amazing group of people and I have really come to love them, even though it's only been since June that I've been down there.
So the countdown to the end of the year is here, peppered with Candyland style stops for gift giving/exchanging. Let's do this thing!
